The clouds look like big cute teddy bears with sweet smiles.

As I gazed up at the sky, I was struck by the sight of fluffy white clouds stretching out as far as the eye could see. Their forms seemed to be constantly shifting, and as I watched, they took on the shapes of animals, mimicking their poses and postures with stunning accuracy.

First, I saw an elephant with its trunk raised high, as if drinking from an invisible lake. Not far from it, a lion appeared to be lounging on its side, its tail swishing lazily. The cloud animals were so lifelike that I felt as though I could reach out and touch them.

A flock of birds flew by, and as they did, their silhouettes were briefly reflected in the clouds, as if the clouds had sprouted wings and were soaring alongside the birds. The entire scene was a mesmerizing display of the natural world at its finest.

As I continued to watch, the cloud animals continued to shift and change, morphing into new shapes and forms with each passing moment. Tigers, giraffes, and deer all emerged from the ever-moving sea of white, only to dissolve again into abstract shapes as the clouds drifted on their way.

Despite their ephemeral nature, the cloud animals filled me with a sense of wonder and joy that stayed with me long after they had disappeared. Even now, as I look back on that magical afternoon, I can still feel the warmth of that feeling, and I know that the memory of those animal-shaped clouds will continue to bring me happiness for years to come.

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Be Hieu