Protecting Children: A Collective Effort Towards a Peaceful World


Children, regardless of their ethnicity or religion, are the embodiment of hope and the promise of a better future. They deserve love, care, and the opportunity to thrive in a safe and nurturing environment. Tragically, millions of children around the world continue to endure the harsh realities of war, poverty, violence, and death.

A Syrian refugee embraces her two children as they embark on a perilous journey from Turkey to the Greek islands. The Aegean Sea crossing is fraught with danger, illustrating the hardships faced by those fleeing conflict.

migrant children

A father shields his child from tear gas as police crack down on migrants at the Hungary-Serbia border. The immigration crisis in Europe left many, including young children, in the crossfire of a complex situation.

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Refugee children’s daily lives are marred by barbed wire, fear, and uncertainty. These images depict a father carrying his child while attempting to cross into Macedonia, hoping for a safer and brighter future.


The “Syrian Baby on the Shore” photograph is a heart-wrenching depiction of the humanitarian crisis that unfolded as migrants and refugees sought safety in Europe. Aylan, a 3-year-old Kurdish boy, and his family lost their lives while escaping war in Syria.

Syrian refugee boy

Abdullah, who tragically lost his sister to war, continues to suffer from nightmares and the lack of access to vital medical care. His photograph was taken in Belgrade, Serbia, highlighting the profound trauma experienced by children in conflict zones.


Child labor is a grim reality in many parts of the world. In Dhaka, Bangladesh, a child plays amidst leather waste in a slum specializing in fashion leather products, where children are exposed to toxic chemicals.


In regions marred by war, children not only face violence and conflict but are often forced into hard labor to support their families. An image from India shows children assisting their parents at a construction site.





children cry

In a scrapyard near Yangon, Myanmar, a girl enjoys her childhood while her brother accompanies her. Despite their difficult circumstances, their resilience shines through.


A boy pushes a cart filled with sacks of coal in a garbage collection area in Tondo, Philippines, symbolizing the arduous challenges faced by children engaged in hazardous work.

carrying coal

In the Charan slum of northern India, a desperate mother was forced to starve one of her children due to extreme poverty.

refugee children

These powerful images serve as a call to action, reminding us that the well-being and safety of children should be a global priority. Regardless of our differences, it is our collective responsibility to work together to protect and nurture the world’s children, ensuring they have the chance to live peaceful and fulfilling lives free from the devastating impacts of war and poverty.

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