Рһоtоѕ tһаt mаkе уоu fееⅼ ⅼ𝗂kе һаv𝗂nɡ а bаbу 𝗂ѕ ɡɾеаt

The urgent, emotional, and nearly overwhelming desire for both men and women to become parents is referred to as “baby fever.” The term has become increasingly popular in recent years, whether you want to have a family or tell other people you want to be a parent. After all, nothing beats the sensation of having a little baby who brightens your days and brings you unrivaled joy.

1. “Guys, it’s going great.”

2. “My 10-week-old is starting to smile whenever she sees me.”

3. “Milk drunk and happy at 4 weeks”

4. “45 years old and a new member of the ’2 under 2 club’”

5. “After our first 2 kids, we tried for a third. After 3 years and 4 losses, we finally got our rainbow.”

6. I’m stuck and can’t move.”

7. “Our Thanksgiving baby! Had to refreeze the turkey and put everything on hold and head to the hospital for an early delivery at 33 weeks.”

8. “After her first bath”

9. “I’m wishing my daughter would stay this size forever. 9 months have flown by.”

10. “How could you say no to that face?”

When did you first notice signs of having “baby fever?” Do you believe that we all catch it at some point in our lives, or do we choose to?

Hits: 3

Be Tien