First-Time Mom Gives Birth to 13-Pound Baby Girl, Second Largest Ever Born in the UK

In an astonishing turn of events, first-time mum Amber Cumberland, 21, from Aston, Oxfordshire, has given birth to a baby girl, Emilia, weighing an impressive 12lb 14oz. Emilia’s journey into the world was marked by an exceptionally large baby bump that led doctors to consider the possibility of a secret twin.

As Amber shared, “Before the pregnancy, I was 12.5st and a size 14, and at the end of the pregnancy, I couldn’t fit into anything smaller than a size 20 and was about 17st.” Following Emilia’s birth, Amber has returned to a size 16, weighing just under 15st.

The extraordinary size of her baby bump left doctors puzzled during her pregnancy. “Doctors thought it was twins during pregnancy because she was so big, even though we could only see one on the ultrasounds,” Amber recalled. The couple often received comments about the size of the bump when they went out, contributing to the intrigue surrounding Emilia’s impending arrival.

The journey to Emilia’s birth was filled with anticipation and challenges. Amber was induced almost two weeks overdue and spent 24 hours in labor until Emilia entered the world via an emergency C-section. The moment of her birth was met with astonishment by the medical team. Amber described the scene, “When she came out, Scott’s face was white, and all the surgeons were looking at each other in shock and laughing – they brought her to me and said ‘Congratulations, you’ve had a toddler.'”

Emilia’s size had been remarkable throughout her pregnancy, measuring on par with the average size of a 36-week-old baby by her 32-week scan and estimated at 8lb 12oz during an extra growth scan at 36 weeks.

Amber’s partner and Emilia’s dad, Scott Joy, 22, faced his own challenges, spending 42 hours in the car park of John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford in the days leading up to Emilia’s birth due to COVID-19 restrictions. He was only allowed to join Amber once she was in active labor.

Despite the overwhelming size of her baby, Amber’s primary concern was her baby’s health. She tried various home remedies to induce labor but was ultimately relieved when it was time for Emilia to arrive. The large pregnancy bump had caused several painful complications, including severe stretching of her skin and splitting of her stomach muscles.

Now, slightly more than a week postpartum, Amber is on the path to recovery. She anticipates a gradual healing process due to the strain her body endured during the challenging pregnancy and delivery. Currently on a waiting list for physiotherapy to address her split stomach muscles, Amber remains positive. She stated, “We’re both so overjoyed with our gorgeous little girl,” expressing her gratitude for Emilia’s arrival despite the extraordinary circumstances.

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