Learn about the alien-like cap worn by the Brazilian grasshopper

The insect world is extremely diverse and rich when people also discover a type of Brazilian grasshopper with a very strange shape, quite special compared to other types in the world.

Αbout the size of a pea, the Brazilian grasshopper (also known as the Brazilian Treehopper) is one of the most bizarre-looking creatures on the planet.

They are quite common insects, mainly living in tropical forest environments.

The food of the Brazilian grasshopper is the leaves on the top of the tree.

What makes Brazilian grasshoppers look like aliens is the strange object on their head.

It is like a “hat” made up of four spheres of chitin shell and also covered with many hairs.

It is like a “hat” made up of four spheres of chitin shell and also covered with many hairs.

So far, scientists have not been able to explain what this strange “hat” really does for the Brazilian grasshopper. Or just contribute to making them scary.

There are many theories that this strange “hat” is like a “false head” to distract predators.


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