Stunning before and after pregnancy photos of the twins’ mother’s belly vuelven virales.

Nubia shared the change in the belly of her twins after the birth of her children and made an outburst about her physical form in the maternity ward.

The postpartum body is a subject that still generates a lot of insecurity among mothers. Thinking of this difficult moment, an American decided to share the entire evolution of her “belly” and physical form after giving birth to twins

Nubia she vented to her followers on the subject and posted a photo of her comparing her before and after the pregnancy: on the left, at 38 weeks of gestation, and on the right, eight weeks after the birth of the children.

“Honestly, I have nothing negative to say. I love my body for what it has done and what it has given me… my precious little angels. But I’m not going to say that I love this version of myself either. I accept this version of myself with grace and love. Makes sense?” wrote the mother of the twins on her Instagram.

The mother posted other photos of her body change and encouraged other women not to feel bad about it.

“What I look like does not define me. What I do to take care of it does. Because I LOVE my body, like you do. Because I LOVE my body, I exercise. Because I LOVE my body, I treat it with the respect it deserves. I practice self-love and work towards a better version of myself because I LOVE my body, not because I HATE my body! So let’s do this together… I encourage you to say something positive about yourself!” she added Nubbia.

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