The old zodiac signs are old and rubbish, so I’ve updated them to make them a little more… relevant.

The old zodiac signs have been around for centuries, but let’s face it – they can feel a bit outdated and irrelevant in today’s world. So, I decided to update them and give them a more modern twist.

First, we have Aries. The old sign of Aries is represented by the ram, but I think we can do better than that. The new sign of Aries is represented by the bear

Next, we have Taurus. The old sign of Taurus is represented by the bull, but let’s be honest, bulls aren’t exactly the most interesting animals out there. The new sign of Taurus is represented by the Butcher

Switch to Gemini. The old sign of Gemini is represented by twins, but that’s a bit vague for my liking. The new sign of Gemini is represented by The cool breeze

Cancer is up next. The old sign of Cancer was represented by the crab, but I think we can find a more understandable symbol. The new sign of Cancer is represented by The defender

Leo is next on the list. Old Leo is represented by the lion, which is a pretty solid choice. However, I think we can make it even better. New Leo sign represented by The Droid

Next is Virgo, and the old sign is represented by the maiden. While it’s a nice concept, it’s not exactly the most inspiring symbol. The new sign of Virgo is represented by The mother

Switch to Libra. The old sign of Libra is represented by the scales, which is a bit too simplistic. The new sign of Libra is represented by The motherfu**cker

Scorpio is next on the list and the old sign is represented by the scorpion. While it’s an interesting symbol, it can be a bit intimidating. The new sign of Scorpio is represented by The Queen


Next is Sagittarius, and the old bow is represented by the archer. While it’s a solid choice, it’s not necessarily the most exciting symbol. The new sign of Sagittarius is represented by the SAGE

Last but not least, we have Capricorn. The old sign of Capricorn is represented by the goat, which is a bit boring. The new sign of Capricorn is represented by The SLEUTH


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Au Gia Lam