What you see in this photo is a reconstruction of the oldest pyramid in the world, and it is located in Gunung Padang, Indonesia. Today the mound is filled with trees, vegetation and dirt, so it’s not completely visible to the naked eye. But if it was completely clear it would look like the picture. Latest research, as you can see in the picture below, suggests there are three empty rooms underneath the pyramid. No one has managed to get inside yet.
According to the article published in National Geographic. grid. id on 19 Dec 2018′ Gunung Padang is not just the hill it seems to be,but it is a series of ancient structures with foundations….. Using a combination of different study methods, including georadar (GPR), seismic tomography, and archaeological excavations, the research team [professor Danny Hilman Natawidjaj] claimed that Gunang Padang is not an entirely man-made structure, but that it was built in later prehistoric periods. The upper part consists of stone columns, walls, roads and open spaces. However, the second layer is about 1-3 meters below the surface. According to researchers, this second layer was previously mistaken for natural rock formations. Actually, these are columnal basalt blocks arranged in a matrix structure. Below is a third layer made up of clustered rocks and a large basement that stretches up to a depth of 15 meters. The fourth layer is made up of basaltic rock that has been somehow modified or sculpted by human hands.”
According to Danny Hilman Natawidjaj, geologist at the Indonesian Geological Research Center, various areas of the site were subjected to C14 radiocarbon examination and produced surprising results. The C14 carbon test would reveal that the ruins on the surface date back between 3,000 and 3,500 years. That puts us in around 1,000 BC. -C. , before Rome became an empire. But it doesn’t stop there. According to the researchers, beneath the surface, at a depth of about 3 meters, there should be a second layer consisting of columnar basalt blocks. Indonesian researchers, using the C14 radiocarbon dating system, tell us that this second layer was built between 7,500 and 8,300 years ago. That would put us around 6,000 BC. -C. , when the first Sumerians appeared.
Still according to the researchers, there would be a third layer, stretching up to 15 m below the surface. According to research done with C14 radiocarbon, this layer is about 9,000 years old. So we’re at 7,000 av. According to traditional archeology, at that time there was no writing, no cities, and man was in the stone age. But that’s not the end of the story. According to researchers, underneath this layer, there is a fourth layer whose remains, according to C14 radiocarbon readings, could be dated as far as 28,000 years ago.
It is now established scientific fact that before the last thaw, i.e. before sea levels rose 120 meters, instead of present-day Indonesia, the subcontinent that the researchers call “Sundaland”. Today this subcontinent is under water. Defrosting started about 14,000 years ago, and as we said, the Pyramid of Gunung Padang could be up to 28,000 years old. This means that when the Sundaland civilization began to be submerged by the thaw waters, it had already existed for at least 14,000 years. So underwater in Indonesia, there are dozens or hundreds of Gunung Padangs just waiting to be discovered….
The article continues in the book:

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