The Sky in Florida Split into Two: A Striking Orange and Black Phenomenon

A surreal scene in Florida recently captivated social media when a clip showing the sky seemingly split in half went viral. The bizarre visual depicted a sky divided straight down the middle—one side bathed in a fiery orange glow, while the other was shrouded in ominous, dark gray clouds. The striking contrast appeared above a busy roadway, mesmerizing viewers with its sharp divide.

This stunning phenomenon has been witnessed in other places before, including a famous photo known as the “half-sunset,” captured by photographer Uma Gopalakrishnan in North Carolina, USA, in 2019. According to Live Science, this natural occurrence happens when the shadow of a large cloud below the horizon blocks sunlight from reaching other clouds during sunrise or sunset.

As explained by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this colorful spectacle occurs because, at sunrise and sunset, the sun is positioned low on the horizon, causing sunlight to travel through the thick atmosphere of Earth. The atmosphere acts like a prism, scattering the light and producing a reddish hue. This is also why the moon can appear in shades of pink, orange, or even fiery red when it hangs low in the sky, especially during the summer months.

In the case of Florida’s split sky, the half that remained illuminated by the setting or rising sun displayed vibrant shades of orange and pink, while the other half, blocked by clouds, was cast in a brooding, dark gray. This unique blend of light and shadow left a lasting impression on all who witnessed the rare sight, reminding us once again of the breathtaking beauty of natural phenomena.

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