The two galaxies begin to consume each other. Most of the advanced races from both are concentrated on the last meteorite to pass by. A meteorite hits Earth in the not-so-distant future. Complete chaos ensues between beings that have never seen each other..

In recent years, there has been growing concern among astronomers and space scientists about the possibility of a meteor striking the Earth. While most of these events are relatively rare and have occurred in the distant past, the potential consequences of a large meteor impact could be catastrophic, leading to widespread destruction and loss of life.

If a meteor were to strike the Earth in the not too distant future, it is likely that the impact would be felt around the globe. The initial impact would be followed by a massive explosion and shockwave that could level buildings and knock down trees for miles around.

In addition to the physical damage caused by the impact itself, there could be other consequences as well. For example, the explosion could send massive amounts of dust and debris into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun and leading to a period of global cooling. This could have serious implications for agriculture and other vital industries, leading to food shortages and economic disruption.

Perhaps even more concerning is the potential for conflict and chaos that could arise between different groups of people in the aftermath of a meteor strike. In many parts of the world, there are groups of people who have never encountered each other before, and who may not share a common language or culture.

In such a situation, misunderstandings and mistrust could quickly spiral out of control, leading to violence and conflict. For example, if one group of people were to interpret the meteor strike as a sign of divine intervention, while another group viewed it as a natural disaster, this could lead to tension and conflict between the two groups.

Moreover, if the impact were to cause widespread damage to infrastructure and disrupt communications networks, it could be difficult for different groups to coordinate relief efforts or even communicate with each other at all.

While the possibility of a meteor strike may seem remote, the potential consequences of such an event are too great to ignore. Scientists and policymakers must continue to work together to develop strategies to prevent or mitigate the effects of a meteor impact, and to ensure that different groups of people are able to cooperate and work together in the aftermath of such an event.

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Be Tien