“The Uncomfortable” is a collection of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects created by @katerina.kamprani [IG]

The Uncomfortable: An Artistic Exploration of Discomfort in Everyday Objects

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with everyday objects that don’t quite work the way you want them to? Maybe a chair that’s too tall or a door that opens in the wrong direction? Well, Katerina Kamprani has taken that frustration to a whole new level with her collection of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects called “The Uncomfortable.”

Kamprani, a Greek architect and designer, started the project as a way to explore the relationship between people and the objects they use every day. She wanted to challenge the notion that design is always about making things easier and more comfortable for people. Instead, she set out to create objects that are intentionally difficult to use, forcing people to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

The objects in The Uncomfortable collection range from chairs with missing legs and inverted handles on teapots to a ladder with a curved bottom and a table with a slanted surface. Each object is carefully crafted to look like a functional object at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that it is anything but.

While some might see these objects as nothing more than a novelty or a joke, Kamprani sees them as a way to explore the role of design in our lives. She believes that by creating objects that are deliberately inconvenient, she can challenge people’s assumptions about what design should be and encourage them to think critically about the objects they use every day.

In an interview with Dezeen, Kamprani explained that her goal is to “create a dialogue” between the user and the object. She wants people to question why things are designed the way they are and to consider different ways of using and interacting with everyday objects.

The Uncomfortable has gained a following on social media, with many people sharing photos and videos of themselves attempting to use the objects. Some have even attempted to create their own versions of Kamprani’s designs, using them as inspiration for their own artistic explorations.

While the objects in The Uncomfortable may not be practical for everyday use, they serve an important purpose in encouraging people to think differently about the objects that surround them. By challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of design, Kamprani has created a thought-provoking and inspiring collection that is sure to continue sparking conversation for years to come.


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